The Stocklinch Village Hall (SVH) charity was dissolved on 15th July 2023. All its responsibilities and assets were transferred to a new village charity, Stocklinch Community Association (SCA) – see their page on this website.

The SCA web section is currently under construction – the names and roles of its committee members and SCA contact details are featured, but until it is complete the ‘Village Hall’ section of this website will remain as a guide to arrangements which will be used by SCA  in the interim.

Stocklinch Village Hall (SVH) is the main meeting place, other than the church, and is used as the venue for many social events. Why not have a look at some photographs of our previous events, on the ‘Events’ age

The building is an early Victorian School bequeathed to the Parish by the Lord of the Manor and entrusted  by the Parish Council in perpetuity. The Parish Council entrusts the building, land and management of SVH, which is a registered charity, to a board of trustees.    

SVH trustees have adopted as their Governing Constitution a ‘Cradle to Grave’ approach when planning all events for Stocklinch Villagers and to provide a community asset for promoting the social welfare of all villagers regardless of age, race, ability, creed or belief.

It is the Trustees’ aim to:

 a) Encourage social engagement
 b) Offer events that educate and inform
 c) Provide events that assist people in appreciating various art forms.
 d) Provide gatherings where villagers can meet, eat, chat and enjoy social interaction
 e) Organise events that encourage & maintain good health & fitness.
 f) Provide a place to meet
 g) Provide an asset & events that are available to all villagers.

The SVH trustees do not believe that financial hardship should prevent any villager from attending or enjoying events, so it is the aim of the trustees that villagers should be free to donate what they wish to

SVH in support of its aims and events.



If you live in Stocklinch and want to use the hall for a private or community function there is no charge.  Remember that you can use the hall for your events - children's parties, wedding receptions, birthday parties ... or whatever!
  Seating and tables can be arranged in many  ways to suit your need.


1. Please check the Bookings Calendar to check availability (Click calendar icon )

    2. Contact Gail on 01460 259369 or Paul on 01460          55519 to make a booking.

 3. Please download & read Terms and Conditions for the hire of the village Hall
Terms and Conditions

  4. Please download and read the Fire Risk report

Village Hall Fire Risk Assessment

 5. Download and complete a booking form

Booking Form



Stocklinch Village Hall Constitution

SVH relies on donations to its events. If you make a donation we would appreciate it if you were to consider a donation under Gift Aid - as a charity we can claim back 25% of any donation you make.
Here Gift Aid Form





Home Events

The trustees of Stocklinch Village Hall (a registered charity) would like to thank the Big Lottery Fund for the generous grant that has enabled the trustees to have the old, original, 1800s roof replaced. Without this grant, Stocklinch Village would have probably lost its social centre as the costs to scaffold the building, then replace the felt, battens and tiles was incredibly expensive and beyond the normal funds that are raised each year to maintain the building. As a result, in January 2017, work was completed on our new roof, something that will last another 100+ years and provide a social centre for this and many future generations to come.

Additionally, the trustees of Stocklinch Village Hall would also like to thank South Somerset District Council for its kind donation of £3.475 towards the SVH Roofing Project.

Cleaning Rota 2023-24.pdf Terms and Conditions for Hire of Stocklinch Village Hall.pdf 2021 Fire Assessment Emergency Plan and Health v2 Safety.pdf Stocklinch Village Hall Booking Form.pdf Governing Constitution - Signed.pdf #BookHall Blank Gift aid form.pdf Calendar