The village of Stocklinch lies on the lower slopes of a hill which has given the place its name: Old English 'stoc' means 'place' or 'secondary settlement' and 'hlinch' (sic) a hill. From the hillside there are extensive views  west and south across the valley of the river Isle towards the Quantock  and Blackdown Hills and, closer at hand, the village and church tower of Whitelackington and the grounds of Dillington House. The Ilminster  bypass (A303) passes through the valley but at one time an important route between Ilchester and Taunton ran over the hill above Stocklinch village and crossed the river at Ilford Bridges. For directions how to get here,  

The higher ground in the parish tends to be used for pasture or meadow and the lower-lying land for cereals, but the area was also known for growing hemp and flax in the past. Until the 19th century much of the land was still arranged in narrow strips in 'open' fields surviving from the medieval period. Traces of this pattern are still visible, especially in the form of cultivation terraces or 'lynchets' such as those which can be seen on the hillside in a field known as 'The Lynches'. This field was planted with specimen trees, probably in the 19th century, to create a parkland setting for Stocklinch Manor, the house south-west of St Mary Ottersey Church and some uneven ground to the west of the church may indicate a former area of settlement which could have been cleared at the same time.

"Stocklinch 2000" is a photographic record of the buildings, roads and surroundings of the village of Stocklinch. It was put together in the closing weeks of the second millennium. The photographs were taken by Stephen Catchpole who also did the layout. The aerial photograph by Mark Kelly. Poem by Hazel Faulkner, script by Annie Marie Ramsey and advisor was Ros Harding.


In 2010, Paul Stewart attempted to photograph every house and its residents - Stocklinch 2010

You can find out much more about our village and its History or go to the Village Hall have a look at our Noticeboard or read more about Our People.

"The Web" is a monthly magazine for the Parishes of Stocklinch, Barrington, Chillington, Cudworth, Dowlish Wake with Moolham, Kingstone, Puckington with Bradon and Shepton Beauchamp. It goes out to over 900 houses in 8 parishes, free of charge. The Web is produced by vounteers and financed by block advertisers plus a bit from the Spiders and a little help in printing by OIS -Tech in Ilminster. The contact is Judy Woods Tel 01460 54904.


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